Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


October 27, 2023

At the 2023 Borlaug International Dialogue, IFAD, Guyana, the University of Nebraska and IICA explore ways and solutions whereby agriculture can help tackle the water crisis

The speakers were Ɓlvaro Lario, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD); Zulfikar Mustapha, Minister of Agriculture of Guyana; Christopher Neale, Director of Research at the University of Nebraskaā€™s Daugherty Water for Food Institute; and Fernando Schwanke, IICA Project Director. Margaret Ziegler, IICA Representative in the United States, introduced the panel members and moderated the discussion.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


October 26, 2023

Agricultural producers from Argentina and Brazil strengthen ties during a visit organized by IICA

This occurred during three days of work in which they exchanged experiences on the progress made in agriculture in both countries in favor of greater sustainability.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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October 26, 2023

IICA-organized event at Borlaug International Dialogue showcases advances in science and innovation aimed at containing the banana pandemic

A travĆ©s de la acciĆ³n colectiva, la ciencia y la innovaciĆ³n estĆ”n dando pasos relevantes para hacer mĆ”s resiliente al banano ante la difusiĆ³n de pestes y enfermedades que ponen en riesgo este cultivo y, por consiguiente, amenazan la seguridad alimentaria global.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


October 25, 2023

At the 2023 Borlaug Dialogue, IICA and IFAD agree to step up joint efforts to promote transformative actions for family farming

The meeting was used to address matters such as the promotion of the cooperative movement, digital agriculture, good practices and the management of water resources as the key elements for generating transformative actions.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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October 25, 2023

At 2023 Borlaug Dialogue, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture and IICA Director General emphasize the importance of policies and actions to diversify producersā€™ income and strengthen family farming

In addition to discussing new diversified farming models with Vilsack, Otero informed the U.S. Secretary of IICAā€™s work related to rural development and building climate resilience alongside farmers in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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San JosƩ, Costa Rica

October 23, 2023

Government officers from Central America and the Dominican Republic are building their agricultural trade policy capacities, with the assistance of international organizations

The officials are pursuing an online program on Agricultural Trade Policy for the SICA region, developed by SIECA, SECAC, IICA and the FAO.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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October 19, 2023

IICAā€™s technical cooperation in Costa Rica benefited 2,000 producers and multiplied the countryā€™s investment in the hemispheric agency in 2022

In 2022, the technical cooperation delivered by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) in Costa Rica directly benefited close to 2,000 producers in that country and multiplied the Central American nationā€™s contribution to the hemispheric agency by 25 times. This information was shared during a presentation delivered to Costa Rican agricultural authorities, producer organizations and private sector partners, among others.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


October 18, 2023

Regenerative agriculture is a fundamental tool to confront the climate crisis, claimed specialists in a debate organized by IICA at the Borlaug International Dialogue

Good agricultural practices, aimed at repairing the environment, contribute not only to greater productivity but also to the conservation of natural resources and the mitigation of climate change, agreed the experts that came together in a panel organized by the IICA, within the framework of the 2023 Borlaug Dialogue, hosted by the World Food Prize Foundation (WFP).

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


October 18, 2023

In Argentina, IICA strengthens cooperation with Bayer to disseminate good agricultural practices

The Bayer initiative is being implemented on 24 agricultural demonstration plots in 12 countries around the world.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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