On March 25th 2019, the European Union, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation Agriculture, the Banana Growers’ Association and the University of Belize (UB) hosted a media tour. Great Belize Production Ltd., Channel 5 Belize highlighted the success of 2- 2 acres’ meristem evaluation demonstration plots at Phil’s Farm & Sons Limited, Farm 18 and Sagitun Banana Farm Limited, farm 8 under the project “Productivity of Banana Farms Through Integrated Soil Fertility Management in the Banana Belt Area of Belize”.
The success stories included:
1.) Production of banana meristems by the University of Belize Micro Propagation Laboratory located at UB Central Farm.
2.) Harvesting of authentic Belizean propagated banana bunches.
3.) Planting of 2.7 acres more of UB meristems at Sagitun Banana Farm and 1 acre at Julian Cho Technical High School, in Punta Gorda District.
Followed by a meeting held on April 4, 2019 with the Banana Growers’ Association and the University of Belize, President Dr. Clement Sankat.
1.) Where both the University of Belize and the Banana Growers’ Association have committed in supporting the continued success of UB Micro Propagation Laboratory.
2.) The Banana Growers’ Association has also committed in procuring a total of 75,000 meristems from UB Micro Propagation Laboratory 2020.
The project is a joint action of the Banana Accompanying Measures (BAM) 2013 program to provide financial assistance to the Belize banana sector. It seeks to promote and to foster social and economic development, leading to the reduction of poverty, focusing on workers, their families and communities in the banana belt area of Belize.
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