The health of the banana root system is linked to the conditions of the soil in which the plants grow. Complex interactions between soil physical, chemical and biological properties can be mapped to gain a greater understanding of the interactions of crop production and soil health under specific soil conditions. Soil compaction has a negative effect in the overall root health of the banana plant and thus affects overall productivity. Compaction is often measured in terms of bulk density, which is the dry weight of soil per unit volume (g/cm3). On July 2-5, 2018, the IICA International Specialist on Soils and Water Management from Trinidad and Tobago Delegation, Dr. Chaney C.G. St. Martin did a two-day workshop on organic matter and soil de-compaction. Participants had first-hand experience using various organic material and understanding how each of these organic material aid in soil de-compaction. Twenty-two persons including, farm managers, technicians and extension officer from the Ministry of Agriculture, attended the training.
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