Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Agriculture Food and nutrition security Knowledge management

IICA creates an Advisory Committee on Communication for Agriculture and Food Security

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

Comprised of opinion leaders and professionals with extensive experience in public and institutional communication, the Committee will advise the Director General of IICA on efforts to prioritize agriculture during Covid-19.

El Comité se propone realizar un continuo llamado de atención hacia la importancia estratégica de la actividad agropecuaria y sus cadenas logísticas y de comercialización.

San Jose, 17 April 2020 (IICA). – In response to the current crisis brought on by the new coronavirus pandemic, the Director General of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), Manuel Otero, established an Advisory Committee on Communication for Agriculture and Food Security.

Initially, the committee will comprise 10 opinion leaders from seven countries who have made significant contributions to the agrifood sector throughout their career and who specialize in public and institutional communication. The Committee will continuously call attention to the strategic importance of agriculture and its logistical and marketing chains.

Within the framework of the current pandemic, the Committee will also seek to prioritize farming and the extensive agricultural chain that surrounds this activity.

The Committee will share information and analyses that may facilitate decision making by various public and private sector institutions. Additionally, it will provide public stakeholders in the member countries with recommendations on how to address certain needs through more efficient communication.

At the invitation of IICA, Committee members will participate in virtual meetings and engage in conversations with ministers, high-level officials and private sector representatives, in order to exchange relevant information in the face of the pandemic, which is challenging agricultural economics in the hemisphere.

The call to establish the Committee also seeks to bolster the specialized agency’s continuous efforts to prioritize the agriculture sector.  

Committee members will conduct their work ad-honorem.



Committee members:

Héctor Huego
Editor of the “Rural” section of Clarín newspaper (Argentina)

Cristian Mira
Editor of the agriculture section of La Nación newspaper (Argentina)

Julio Cargnino
President of Canal Rural (Brazil)

Mauro Zafalon
Journalist at Folha de São Paulo (Brazil)

Patricia Vildósola
Editor of the agriculture insert of El Mercurio newspaper (Chile)

Juan Carlos Dominguez
Columnist for El Tiempo de Bogotá (Colombia) and institutional communication specialist

Silvia Ulloa
Director of (Costa Rica)

Patricia León
Institutional communication specialist (Costa Rica)

Pedro Damián Diego
Director General of EFEAGRO (Spain)

Roberto González Amador

Economics Coordinator for La Jornada (Mexico)



More information:

Institutional Communication Division




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