The production of banana in Belize plays an important role in the economy of the country contributing 14% of the GDP or $51.8M in exports. Currently, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) is implementing a European Union Funded project titled “Productivity enhancement of banana farms through integrated soil fertility management in the banana belt area of Belize”. Under the Technical Capacity Building component, IICA signed an MOU with Julian Cho Technical High School for the establishment of a one-acre banana plot and provision of theory and practical trainings in integrated soil fertility management. The Institute will provide the necessary tools for the land preparation, the banana meristems and a complete fertilization plan, whilst Julian Cho will be responsible for preparing the land, planting and maintenance of the banana plot. During the duration of the MOU, IICA will be delivering trainings to at least 40 students, 2 professors and 5 persons from the surrounding community. The trainings will cover the use of soil kit to do rapid field testing, good agronomic practices and overall integrated soil fertility management.
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