Ir Arriba


  • Countries of the Americas present their positions on biosafety

    This month, 20 IICA member countries will be taking part in the Conference of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.

  • Meeting in Costa Rica will promote creation of network on youth and agriculture in the Americas

    Comprised of organizations in a number of countries, the network will focus on education, extension and research on the role of youth in agriculture.

  • Central American countries intensify work on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs

    Working with the Executive Secretariat of the Central American Agricultural Council, the countries are preparing a proposal that would establish microbiological criteria related to unprocessed foods.

  • Agreement reached on actions to promote the participation and development of young people in agriculture

    The positive action of young people in rural areas will be promoted as one of the tools for tackling the major challenges faced by agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean.

  • IICA launches Dialogue for Agricultural Policies in the Americas this thursday

    The U.S. Agricultural Act of 2014 will be the first to be discussed in the hemispheric meetings, to be attended by all the Offices via videoconference.

  • Main challenges faced by family agriculture in LAC presented in Spain

    For the third year running in Spain, IICA, FAO and ECLAC presented a report on the situation and outlook for agriculture and rural development in the Americas.