Ir Arriba


  • IICA supports research aimed at simulating food production on Mars

    With support from IICA, a Costa Rican scientist will participate in a U.S. mission that simulates conditions on Mars, in order to conduct research on blue corn farming.
  • Trinidad and Tobago enhances its agricultural risk management with the support of IICA

    The Institute handed over to the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries in Trinidad and Tobago their first resistograph to evaluate trees health and prevent risks under heavy rains, winds and floodings.
  • IICA supports capacity building of Technicians in Saint Lucia for control of the Citrus Greening Disease

    The training drew on the experiences of Jamaica for the control of HLB, applicable to Saint Lucia as another developing state with similar resource and human capacities.
  • Cocoa producers in Trinidad and Tobago join forces to overcome limitations and to capitalize on successes

    Intersectoral coordination and the support of organizations, such as IICA, are part of a strategy to capitalize on the global consumption of cocoa and its by-products
  • IICA maintains that tackling climate change requires decisive inter-sectoral action

    Speaking at COP25, Manuel Otero, Director General of IICA, maintained that actions on climate change should involve ministers from various sectors, civil society and the business sector, thereby incorporating these efforts into the agendas of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • IICA and the Australian Direct Aid programme collaborate to improve sanitation in rural communities in Suriname

    Two rural villages in the hinterland of Suriname now have access to modern restroom facilities for the use of their residents.