Ir Arriba


  • IICA celebrates 40 years of supporting agricultural and rural development in Trinidad and Tobago

    After 40 years of continuous work in this country, the Inter-American Institute of Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) reaffirms its commitment to continue working with stakeholders to help develop local agricultural and rural sectors.

  • Countries in the Americas to present their positions on biotechnology and biosafety

    Starting today, delegates from 15 countries will share their country’s perspective at a meeting organized by IICA, in preparation for next month’s Conference of the Parties in Egypt. 

  • IICA’s Director General attends Caribbean Week of Agriculture in Barbados and meets with Ministers of Agriculture from the region

    Otero will present the new institutional roadmap of the hemispheric organization to Ministers of Agriculture from the Caribbean. The document proposes the application of a differentiated strategy for the region.

  • IICA and Vogue, an unprecedented partnership to share the stories of rural female workers

    A team from the Brazilian edition of Vogue magazine traveled across four countries in the Americas to share the stories of women who live off the land and who, in many ways, sow a fairer society.

  • Tackling rural women’s invisibility is crucial to promoting development and banishing malnutrition

    During the Summit of the W20 - the G20 engagement group on gender equality - experts from IICA, the UN and the World Bank agreed that improving working and living conditions for rural women is crucial to promoting development. IICA is co-chair of W20 in its work on Rural Women.

  • IICA and Winrock International join hands to strengthen agriculture and combat climate change

    Officials from the Institute met in Costa Rica with representatives of this U.S. company to establish the framework for joint action.