Ir Arriba


  • Central Americans share good agribusiness practices related to market access

    By means of video conferences and other resources, IICA promotes the use of information and communication technologies to disseminate new approaches to issues of crucial importance to agriculture in the Americas.

  • Central American countries agree on the need for regional responses to food price hikes

    High-level dialogue in El Salvador concludes with recommendations for the development of a regional agenda to help bolster agricultural production and food security in the isthmus.

  • Governments will discuss measures for dealing with volatility and hike in food prices

    FAO, ECLAC and IICA will promote two high level intergovernmental forums in Chile and El Salvador to examine the threats and opportunities arising from this situation.

  • Government of El Salvador launches ambitious Family Agriculture Plan

    The plan marks the start of a new era for El Salvador’s agricultural sector; IICA will be in charge of technical support for the program on production linkages.

  • El Niño causes agricultural losses totaling US$70 million in Central America

    Staple grain production affected as water levels fall in principal rivers of region.