Ir Arriba


  • Inter-American Commission of Women and IICA to carry out joint actions to boost the empowerment, inclusion, and well-being of rural women in the hemisphere

    The two organizations have signed an agreement aimed at increasing women’s active participation in decision-making spaces and in the formulation of agricultural public policies.
  • Primera

    The Honduran Secretary of Agriculture stressed the importance of education, training and support for care activities to reduce gender gaps in rural areas

    During the panel discussion on “The Care Economy in the Agrifood Systems of the Americas”, Suazo stressed that, “When we speak about the care economy and its importance in agrifood systems, we are speaking about the survival of humanity”.
  • Countries of the Americas are making strides in empowering rural women, but the long road ahead is filled with obstacles, warn female ministers of Agriculture in forum convened by IICA

    Held at IICA Headquarters in San Jose, Costa Rica, the meeting allowed for highlighting the contributions of rural women to economic development and well-being in their communities, as well as proposing policies with a gender perspective that can help to reduce inequalities.
  • Colombia making progress with recognition of care work to improve the lot of rural women, affirms minister of agriculture at IICA forum

    The forum was held at IICA Headquarters in San José, Costa Rica, with deputy ministers, senior representatives from Canada, the United States, Brazil and St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and international cooperation and funding agencies taking part.
  • At the forum of female ministers of agriculture of the Americas, organized by IICA, minister from Peru says efforts to close gaps and build equity in the care economy are essential for the empowerment of rural women

    On this occasion, the forum of female ministers of agriculture is being held at IICA Headquarters in San José, Costa Rica. Also taking part in the activity are Colombia’s minister of agriculture, Jhenifer Mojica, and Laura Suazo, her counterpart from Honduras; deputy ministers and high-level representatives from Canada, the United States, Brazil and St. Vincent and the Grenadines; and international cooperation and funding agencies.
  • Science and innovation are crucial to the future of agrifood systems in the Americas, state high-level experts in new episode of IICA en Acción

    The most recent episode of the segment dedicated to the Living Soils of the Americas initiative features experts and officials from various countries in the Americas, who participated in an event organized by IICA, CGIAR and the World Bank.