Ir Arriba


  • In Honduras, IICA’s Director General meets with Secretary of the Presidency and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, receives award of recognition from the Zamorano Pan-American Agricultural School and concludes visit with accountability report

    The Private Secretary of the President of Honduras, Héctor Zelaya Castro, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Honduras, Eduardo Enrique Reina, met with the Director General of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), Manuel Otero, in a visit to the country in which IICA’s commitments of support for the Secretariat of Agriculture and Livestock led by Secretary Laura Suazo were redoubled, focusing on strengthening local food production for food security and added value.
  • Africa and the Americas seal partnership to restore soils, under an unprecedented biregional initiative led by AGRA and IICA

    Participating in the launch event were Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana and current Chair of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM); Rattan Lal, recipient of the 2020 World Food Prize; Manuel Otero, Director General of IICA; as well as ministers of Agriculture of several African countries, AGRA authorities, private sector representatives, and other senior agricultural officials of the Americas and Africa.
  • In presenting the 2023-2043 State Policy for the Agrifood Sector (PESAH), Secretary of Agriculture of Honduras recognizes IICA’s technical support

    The Secretary of Agriculture and Livestock of Honduras, Laura Suazo, presented the 2023-2043 State Policy for the Agrifood Sector (PESAH), which will provide a roadmap to achieve the sustainable development of a key sector for the country. The Secretary recognized the technical support and contributions of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), which was represented at the launch event by its Director General, Manuel Otero.
  • Ambassadors to Costa Rica from Latin American and Caribbean countries, European Union’s, Canada and Spain visit IICA and CATIE family farming projects aimed at strengthening rural food and energy security

    Ambassadors and other diplomats from Latin American and Caribbean countries, European Union’s , Canada and Spain stationed in Costa Rica took part in a field trip during which they visited agricultural enterprises that receive technical assistance from the Tropical Agriculture Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA). The assistance is targeted at innovations in food production and rural energy, with a focus on family farming, territorial rootedness, food security, and job creation in rural areas.
  • FAO, ECLAC, WFP and IICA warn that failure to eradicate hunger and malnutrition has a higher cost than solutions

    According to a new special report by the agencies, the cost of inaction on hunger and food insecurity represents an average of 6.4% of the GDP of the countries studied.
  • Primera

    IICA Director General signs agreement with African agricultural research center FARA and highlights the importance of strengthening collaborative work between the Americas and Africa in digital agriculture, the bioeconomy and climate resilience

    IICA and FARA, Africa’s principal agricultural research forum, signed an agreement on joint work that will foster closer links between the agricultural authorities of that continent and Latin America and the Caribbean.