Ir Arriba


  • Proposals for Agricultural Innovation Projects could be more attractive

    Agricultural institution researchers were trained to formulate better project proposals for the 2014 meeting of the financing fund FONTAGRO.

  • Water in Latin America and the Caribbean is of key importance to feeding the world

    A technical forum organized by IICA and HIDROCEC-UNA reported that, over a ten-year period, there has been a 40% increase in the water footprint from agriculture in this region.

  • Jatropha research takes off in Latin America and the Caribbean

    The aim of the studies being carried out in countries of the region is to find commercial varieties of Jatropha that can be used to produce pure vegetable oil, biodiesel and biokerosene.

  • LAC and EU agrifood innovation networks set to receive a boost

    The European Commissioner for Agriculture and the Director General of IICA will inaugurate the international seminar of Red INNOVAGRO, due to take place in Spain from April 23-25.

  • LAC’s agricultural sector could be more competitive with risk management policies

    New measures designed to protect US farmers, which took effect in February, pose a major challenge to the competitiveness of agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean.

  • Specialists in innovation lay the groundwork for scientific cooperation in agrifood subjects between the European Union and LAC

    IICA and the ceiA3 signed an agreement to produce materials and courses related to innovation management in the agrifood sector.