Ir Arriba


  • Colombia hosted dialogue of LAC countries on Codex Alimentarius

    Delegates from Latin America and the Caribbean sought to establish positions regarding food health and safety designed to safeguard consumer health.

  • Innovation is critical to achieving a significant change in agriculture

    The Director General of IICA, Víctor M. Villalobos, shared his outlook on agriculture at the Forum on the Challenges of the Agrifood Sector 2016-2025, held in Honduras.

  • Mexico looks to research and technical training to solve the problem of coffee rust

    With support from IICA, Mexican institutions are implementing a plan that includes plant breeding activities and efforts to enhance the technical capabilities of the country’s coffee sector.

  • G20 will tackle obstacles to the achievement of global food security

    In June, the leaders of the G20 will discuss the recommendations made by the Vice-Ministers of Agriculture and other entities such as IICA for strengthening the agricultural sector and increasing its contribution to food production worldwide.

  • More investment and innovation needed in agriculture to ensure food security

    FAO, IICA and ECLAC document summarizes the conclusions of four dialogues held in the Southern Cone, Central America, the Caribbean and Mexico to discuss ways to promote agriculture and make those who earn their livelihoods in agriculture less vulnerable.

  • IICA and CAF join forces to improve agriculture in the region

    Increasing agricultural productivity and achieving a high quality of life in rural areas are the main objectives of an agreement signed between IICA and one of the main financial institutions in the Americas.