Ir Arriba


  • Experts advocate application of fair trade concept to local markets

    Latin America and the Caribbean supplies over 80% of the products marketed under fair trade standards worldwide.

  • IICA highlights the key role of the agricultural insurance in strengthening food security

    At an international forum, the Institute pointed to the need to promote the agricultural insurance industry in order to support the development of agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean.

  • Rural dwellings in Peru incorporate innovations and use renewable energies

    At the Voices for Climate forum, held within the framework of the COP 20 in Lima, the Energy and Environment Partnership (EEP) with the Andean Region presented several innovative initiatives. The EEP program is implemented by IICA with funding from the Government of Finland.

  • Caribbean countries take part in the Regional Colloquium of the Codex Alimentarius

    The meeting, organized by IICA and the United States Department of Agriculture, is the third to be held in Latin America this year.

  • EMBRAPA and IICA evaluate financing of 33 project proposals for the development of agriculture in LAC

    Fifty-eight projects designed to strengthen small-scale agriculture were submitted in response to the third call for proposals of the LAC Market Place initiative.

  • IDB-IICA sponsored fund receives 1.8 million US dollars for projects aimed at reducing agricultural emissions

    Thanks to these and other contributions, FONTAGRO will have USD 5.8 million at its disposal for promoting projects in Latin America and the Caribbean.