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    Argentina launches bioeconomy technical and financial assistance program at a seminar attended by IICA

    The event highlighted the fact that the bioeconomy is a tool to harness biological resources for the production of goods and services, in an environmentally friendly manner.
  • Many countries in the region are committed to advancing the development of biofuels, which contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fostering sustainable agricultural practices.

    Agriculture in the Americas has great potential to develop a robust liquid biofuels industry in the region, agree international experts in a new episode of the “IICA en Acción” podcast

    The podcast includes a segment devoted to the Living Soils of the Americas initiative spearheaded by IICA together with the Rattan Lal Carbon Management and Sequestration Center (C-MASC) of The Ohio State University.
  • AgroAmerica: International animal health specialist, Patrick Buholzer, stresses that to ensure food security countries will need to adopt a new approach to foot and mouth disease

    During an interview on the Agro America program, aired on Brazil’s TV Agro channel, Patrick Buholzer, Executive Director of the TAFS Forum, discussed the need for a new approach to the viral disease. He also called for a shared global understanding of the problem.
  • Eminent academics discussed various perspectives on the bioeconomy in the region with representatives from biotechnology, biofuel and bioinput companies, in eight plenary sessions and several workshops.

    The 2023 ICABR Conference showcased the progress in the Latin American and Caribbean bioeconomy thus far and its immense potential to drive sustainable development in the region

    The 27th Annual Conference of the International Consortium on Applied Bioeconomy Research (ICABR), which took place over 4 days in Buenos Aires, brought together more than 150 researchers and scientists from the Americas, Europe and Africa, who are specialists in the bioeconomy, in addition to policy experts, entrepreneurs and bioentrepreneurs.
  • 1.	IICA was appointed to serve as the Executive and Technical Secretariat of the Latin American Network, based on a unanimous decision by the institutions and organizations participating in the ICABR workshop.

    The Latin American Bioeconomy Network was launched in Buenos Aires, in a bid to combine public and private efforts to spur sustainable development in the region

    The Latin American Bioeconomy Network was established during the 27th Annual Conference of the International Consortium on Applied Bioeconomy Research.
  • The future of Latin America and the Caribbean hinges on building the bioeconomy as a vision for development, said global agricultural innovation expert, Eduardo Trigo, at the 2023 ICABR Conference

    Trigo was delivering his address at the auditorium of Argentina’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MinCyT) – the venue of this high-level scientific meeting, co-organized by the Government of Argentina, ICABR and IICA.