Ir Arriba


  • Bernarda Salazar, beekeeper from Ñuble, and Paulina Carrasco, milk producer from the Los Ríos Region, were distinguished as "Rural Leaders" of the Americas by the IICA, recognition given in Chile by Manuel Otero, Director General of the Institute. Along with them, Alfredo Carrasco, vegetable producer and leader of FarmHability, Leader of the Chilean Rurality distinguished in 2021.

    IICA names Bernarda Salazar and Paulina Carrasco, rural Chileans with a passion for food production, as Leaders of Rurality of the Americasentos, reciben premio del IICA como Líderes de la Ruralidad de las Américas

    The Leaders of Rurality award pays tribute to those who are playing a unique dual role: guaranteeing food and nutrition security, by producing under all circumstances, as well as protecting the biodiversity of the planet. It also emphasizes their capacity to be positive role models in rural areas of the region.
  • At an international conference in Chile, with IICA in attendance, ministers stressed the agriculture sector’s commitment to increased food production and sustainability

    Chilean president Gabriel Boric gave his support to the meeting, which sought to position agriculture as a relevant sector to offer innovative solutions for the climate crisis.
  • IICA Director General joins international experts at the Global Future Council, aiming to foster the promotion of innovative ideas to guarantee food and water security

    The Global Future Council is a network of experts from academia, government, international organizations, business, media and civil society. Membership is for a two-year period and is by invitation only, with members collaborating to identify and disseminate innovative ideas with the potential to create a global impact. 
  • The purpose of the meeting is to position agriculture as an important sector in providing innovative solutions to the climate crisis.

    Ministers of agriculture to meet in Chile to promote the sector’s role in mitigating climate change, with the participation of IICA

    The two-day meeting will serve to promote a high-level dialogue regarding global perspectives on decreasing methane emissions and low-emission food systems.
  • With the support of IICA, agriculture and bioenergy industry associations of the Americas create the Pan-American Liquid Biofuels Coalition

    IICA will serve as the Technical Secretariat of the coalition, which will be made up of the region’s main liquid biofuel chambers, federations, associations and councils.
  • Authorities, researchers and leaders of the aviation industry envision leading role of agriculture of the Americas in production of sustainable fuels for air transport

    The region has sufficient inventory of biomass, vegetable oils, animal fats, sugars, starches, alcohols and lignocellulosic materials for the agriculture sector to be a major supplier of biofuels for the aviation industry, affirmed IICA’s Director General.