Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

International Trade and Regional Integration

Open and transparent international agrifood trade, based on multilateral rules, is critical in enabling the Americas to fulfill its pivotal role in food security and agrifood system transformation.

Herein lies the importance of strengthening the multilateral trade system to allow the region to capitalize on its production and trade potential. As such, countries must make better use of opportunities afforded by the signing of trade agreements and by integration processes (trade policy, administration of agreements and trade promotion), to spur economic recovery and increased food security.

Moreover, in the current climate, there is a clear need to link the issues of trade and the environment. The region can capitalize on its wealth of natural resources and the efficiency of its production systems to increase its presence in international markets and to deepen integration processes to contribute to the supply of healthy, nutritious and safe food, produced in an environmentally responsible manner.

The International Trade and Regional Integration Program will continue to provide support to member countries to improve their access to international markets, deepen their regional integration and increase their contribution to agrifood system transformation. To this end, it will focus on two strategic lines of action:

  • Improving market access and implementing trade policies to promote openness, transparency and the free flow of international trade, while preventing or reducing trade barriers. To this end, it will implement actions to strengthen multilateral governance, in order to guarantee open, transparent and predictable international trade and to enable the region to fulfill its role in achieving food security and agrifood system transformation. It will also seek to support the effective participation of countries in international fora; improve regulatory frameworks governing international and regional trade; and increase the capacity of key stakeholders to administer trade agreements. Moreover, it will aim to improve market access and promote intraregional trade, with a view to diversifying trade partners and reducing the negative impact of shocks on international markets, while promoting regulatory convergence and trade facilitation.
  • Identifying and capitalizing on opportunities afforded by trade agreements and integration processes. Taking into account changes in trade flows and intraregional trade, the aim is to develop differentiated strategies, specific to markets, chains or products, and to strengthen the export capacities of companies and producer organizations. The program will also create forums to facilitate trade, through the use of new technologies, such as virtual business roundtables, e-commerce platforms, trade fairs and face-to-face trade missions; and promote linkages at the regional and global levels, as a means of improving access to export markets and contributing to food security and economic and social recovery, in response to markets shocks. As such, it will also promote rural tourism, in particular in countries in which tourism is a predominant sector, for example, in the Caribbean.


Program Manager


Technical team


Advisory team

  • Felix Peña, Argentina
  • Martín Piñeiro, Argentina
  • Osvaldo Rosales, Chile

Contact us

Daniel Rodríguez Sáenz

Program manager

Cooperación Técnica



Explore our videos and discover IICA’s impact on agriculture and rural development throughout the region.


June 21, 2022

Exporting Safe Food to Canada, Understanding the Regulations


April 26, 2022

Sustainable Beef in the Americas – Session 2: How cattle and beef can provide climate change solutions from the Americas

Brasilia, Brasil

February 13, 2025

IICA and other agencies involved in the protection and sustainable development of the Amazon align joint strategies at meeting in Brasilia

The first meeting of the ACTO’s Mesa de Cooperantes brought together representatives of cooperation agencies, development banks and multilateral organizations, who exchanged information and discussed how to pool resources and improve their joint efforts, in order to prevent duplication and optimize the use of resources in areas such as the bioeconomy and conservation.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

San José

February 12, 2025

Host of the IICA radio program, AgroEnlace, is awarded Costa Rica’s Joaquín García Monge National Award for Cultural Communication 

The host, Luis Diego Solórzano, is also a renowned Costa Rican musician and music producer. For twenty years he has joined with IICA to give a voice to agriculture through the Institute’s educational radio magazine program, seeking to promote the participation of small-scale agrobusinesses in national and international markets and to foster inclusive and sustainable rural development.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

Punta del Este, Uruguay

February 11, 2025

Ministers of the Southern Agricultural Council (CAS), at a meeting in Uruguay, discussed the implications of the Mercosur-European Union agreement for the sector and ratified a commitment to regional integration

The ministers of Agriculture of the Southern Agricultural Council (CAS) member countries ratified their commitment to regional integration with regard to agrifood policies and discussed the implications of the Mercosur-European Union agreement for trade in the sector.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins