The IICA Dominican Republic Delegation has participated in the technical follow-up meetings for the elaboration of the Plan

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, August 20, 2018 (IICA). During the month of August, the Ministry of the Presidency together with the Ministry of Planning, Economy and Development (MEPyD) has held several technical meetings to advance the preparation of the National Plan for Sovereignty, Nutrition and Food Security, in compliance with the mandate of Law 589-16 that creates the National System for Food and Nutrition Sovereignty and Security in the Dominican Republic.
The technical meetings have been divided according to the six dimensions proposed for the Plan, namely: governance of the Plan, sustainable food production and rural development, marketing, distribution and food consumption, food and nutrition information and education, environmental and climate sustainability and social participation.
These meetings involve representatives of various institutions of the public and private sectors, non-governmental organizations and international organizations that are linked to the agricultural sector, as well as food security and food production issues. On behalf of IICA Dominican Republic, Gina Rosario, Specialist in Natural Resources, Agriculture and Climate Change has participated in the discussions of the environmental and climate sustainability working table.
Currently, the working groups have focused on the definition of the results, indicators and products of the Plan, which are aligned with the National Development Strategy and the Sustainable Development Goals.
More information: Gina Rosario, Specialist in Natural Resources, Agriculture and Climate Change,