Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
October 29, 2018
IICA hizo un reconocimiento mundial a las contribuciones de las mujeres en el desarrollo social, económico y familiar rural
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
October 2, 2018
This interview is part of the process of dissemination at the national level of the 2018 -2022 Medium Term Plan (MTP)
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
October 2, 2018
"We are starting a strong relationship with Embassies nationwide to strengthen our capacity to provide technical cooperation," said Frank Lam
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
October 2, 2018
Two draft bills were reviewed at the request of the Permanent Commission of Agricultural and Agroindustrial Affairs of the Senate
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
October 2, 2018
These meetings were held with the aim of implementing the 2018 – 2022 Medium Term Plan (MTP) of IICA
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
October 2, 2018
The 2018-2022 National Indicative Plan is a management tool that organizes and guides the actions of IICA-DR with its strategic partners linked to the agricultural sector
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
October 2, 2018
The Specialist in Agricultural Health and Food Safety of the IICA Headquarters, Ana Marisa Cordero, presents the findings and recommendations of the application of the Performance, Vision and Strategy tool to the Minister Osmar Benítez
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
October 3, 2018
Esta entrevista se enmarca en el proceso de difusión a nivel nacional del Plan de Mediano Plazo (PMP) 2018 -2022
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
October 3, 2018
“Estamos iniciando una fuerte vinculación con las embajadas a nivel nacional para fortalecer nuestra capacidad de brindar cooperación técnica” manifestó Frank Lam
Tiempo de lectura: 3mins
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