Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


November 20, 2015

ICTs in agriculture should meet the needs of the end user, not only those of the staff of government agencies

According to a seminar held at IICA, the fact that financial entities view agriculture and ICTs as high-risk ventures hampers the development of technologies designed to promote the agricultural sector in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


November 20, 2015

Land in Latin America and the Caribbean will be key to increased food production

During a presentation at IICA Headquarters, the Director of the USDAā€™s Global Policy Analysis Division explained this regionā€™s potential to provide food for the worldā€™s growing population.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


November 20, 2015

FONTAGRO, IICA and IDB reward innovations for family agriculture

ā€œOrganized smallholder farmers can be successful innovatorsā€ was the message of winners during an awards ceremony supported by these organizations.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


November 20, 2015

Ambassadors to the OAS give ringing endorsement to IICAā€™s technical support for agriculture

Vƭctor M. Villalobos, Director General of IICA; JosƩ Miguel Insulza, Secretary General of the OAS; and Arturo Vallarino, Chairman of OAS's Permanent Council and Ambassador of PanamƔ. Photo OAS.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins



November 19, 2015

Preparing Jamaican exporters to meet the US Food Safety Modernisation Act

Approximately 80 persons from the public and private sector in Jamaica attended two day FSMA workshop 

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins



November 19, 2015

Strengthening Agricultural Health and Food Safety

10th EDF SPS Project provides capacity building training for stakeholders in Jamaica's Agricultural Health and Food Safety Sector.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins



November 19, 2015

SAGARPA Mexico Training Programme

Jamaicans are being trained under the SAGARPA programme.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins



November 19, 2015

Technical Assistance for Export Development

IICA in collaboration with the Agricultural Competitiveness Programme (ACP) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries is continuing to facilitate the development of an export platform for selected Agro Parks.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


November 19, 2015

Innovation: the challenge facing wholesale agricultural markets

A workshop on modern management is being held in Costa Rica to address the issue.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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