Joint activities consolidated in Argentina between IICA and the MAGyP, INTA, and SENASA.

Buenos Aires. The objective of a tour carried out at the end of March by the Director of Management and Regional Integration of the Institute, Diego Montenegro, was to confirm how the new model of technical cooperation was functioning in practice and to learn more about the operation of the offices of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) in Peru, Bolivia and Argentina.
In Argentina, Montenegro stated that the new cooperation model, outlined in the 2014–2018 Medium-term Plan of IICA, still required adjustments in its implementation, but insisted that it was better adapted better to what the States and Ministries of Agriculture expected from the Institute.
“It is an important step in positioning IICA in the countries by better utilizing its resources, especially the human capital that is its primary asset. Only through this capacity can quality technical cooperation be generated”, said Montenegro in Buenos Aires, where he met with the Representative of the Institute, Gino Buzzetti.
He also emphasized the importance of IICA’s four pillars of cooperation: the Flagship Projects, the pre-investment initiatives of the Fund for Technical Cooperation (FonTC), the externally funded projects and the Rapid Response Actions (ARR), which he described as a great success for attracting seed funding and developing other projects.
While in Argentina, Montenegro also participated in meetings to consolidate the continuity of joint activities with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MAGyP), National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) and the National Service for Agrifood Health and Quality (SENASA).
He also participated in the formalization of an agreement between the Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, SENASA and IICA, resulting from the Regional Virtual School Project on Plant Health Inspection (ERVIA).
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