Have you seen the new 2015 Annual Report? We have a brand new platform to show you the results IICA has achieved in its Member States.

San Jose, Costa Rica. Currently, rebranding and innovating is more than a trend, it’s a necessity, and here at IICA that is clear to us.
It is with much pride that we present to you our Annual Report; a renewed, dynamic, attractive and intuitive summary, showing the main results achieved by the Institute in 2015.
It is the result of the Institute’s teamwork: staff members, graphic designers, communicators and information management specialists, who with care and dedication achieved a product we hope you find very useful.
The report, also available in Spanish, contains infographs, explanatory messages, links to information resources of interest that have been supported by IICA, institutional publications and details of our most relevant actions.
What did we achieve in 2015 and in which areas? In what ways did we contribute to the agricultural sector of the Member States? How many projects did we conclude and how much money did we spend? You will find the answer to these and other questions in the document.
Click here to browse through the document: http://annualreport.iica.int