On October 10, 2017, The Belize Bureau of Standards held a workshop entitled “Business Support Organization- Promoting Standards for Quality Assurance” at the Best Western Belize Biltmore Plaza in Belize City. Critical to achieving this objective is to establish functional smart partnerships by implementing effective collaborative business relationships across institutions that share the same objectives for MSME development. The workshop was specifically designed for BSO’s providing assistance to MSMEs and is expected to achieve the following purposes and objectives:
Increase the awareness of MSME Business Support Organizations about the standards development process and the importance of standards in improving products and services; and
Establish a collaborative strategy and a collaborative mechanism to strengthen business relationships with BSOs with the ultimate aim of supporting a culture for standards and quality among MSMEs.
In this regard, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture participated making a positive contribution to this most important subject area with respect to the promotion and implementation of standards for quality assurance.
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