The Director General of IICA, which is the institution in charge of the FORAGRO Secretariat, designated Viviana Palmieri as the new Executive Secretary of the forum.

San José, 5 March 2018 (IICA). The Specialist in Technological Innovation at the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), Viviana Palmieri, has assumed the position of Executive Secretary of the Forum for the Americas on Agricultural Research and Technology Development (FORAGRO).
The appointment was announced by the Director General of IICA, Manuel Otero, who indicated that the Secretariat is responsible for the operational leadership of FORAGRO’s actions, as well as advising and supporting its steering committee.
Established in 1997, FORAGRO is the hemispheric mechanism for discussion and promotion of agreements on topics related to research and innovation that impact the agricultural sector in the Americas.
For more information on FORAGRO, visit its web page at:
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Viviana Palmieri
Specialist in Technological Innovation