Ministers from thirty-four countries in the hemisphere will meet at IICA Headquarters to be informed of the results achieved by the Institute over the last eight years and to elect a new Director General.

San Jose, 19 September, 2017 (IICA). On 25 and 26 October, the Ministers of Agriculture of the hemisphere will hold a meeting in Costa Rica where Victor M. Villalobos, the current Director General of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), will share the results achieved during his eight-year tenure. In addition, the ministers will elect the candidate who, starting on 15 January, 2018, will lead this international organization.
The candidates for the position of director general are Carlos Furche, from Chile, and Manuel Otero, from Argentina.
The President of the Republic of Costa Rica, Luis Guillermo Solis, will participate in the opening ceremony at IICA Headquarters in Costa Rica. Solis, along with the ministers and staff of the Institute, will pay homage to Henry Wallace, founder of IICA, and unveil a bust in his honor that will adorn the Headquarters of the Institute.
Additionally, specialists from IICA, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) will present the report entitled “The Outlook for Agriculture and Rural Development in the Americas: A perspective on Latin America and the Caribbean 2017-2018”, which analyzes regional agriculture in detail and makes recommendations for its development.
The ministers and authorities of IICA will also discuss development strategies and outline actions to boost the agricultural sector in the Americas and the Caribbean during the two-day meeting.
Before the event, an extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee will be held to discuss actions to strengthen the economic and institutional aspects of IICA.
More information:
Evangelina Beltran, Coordinator of the Office of the Director General.