Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

IICA Canada appointed as the new Secretariat for Procinorte

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

The iniciative focuses on genetic resources, animal health, plant health and tree fruits.

The new Secretariat looks forward to the continued support of the IICA offices in the US, Canada and Mexico.

Canada. PROCINORTE, founded in 1998, is a network of national agricultural research bodies in the three countries of North America: Mexico, United States and Canada. This network has a specific niche in the Northern Region, supporting agricultural trade through sound science and knowledge sharing on issues of regional relevance.

PROCINORTE provides the platform for senior scientists in the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Science and Technology Branch (AAFC-STB), United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) and the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias in Mexico (INIFAP) to address issues of trilateral interest. This is currently undertaken through 4 task forces:

  • Genetic Resources
  • Animal Health
  • Plant Health
  • Tree Fruits

IICA sits on the PROCINORTE Board of Directors (BOD) and provides direct financial funding as well as in-kind support by way of a Secretariat. The Executive Secretary (ES) serves as program facilitator and fund administrator.

Dr. Audia Barnett, IICA Representative in Canada was appointed as of August 1st, 2015 as the new Executive Secretary (ES) of PROCINORTE to facilitate its new Strategic Plan 2015 – 2020. IICA Canada recognizes the tremendous work of Dr. Priscila Henriquez, Specialist in the Management of Technological Innovation and former ES, for the past 6 years; additionally, the new Secretariat looks forward to the continued support of the IICA offices in the US, Canada and Mexico.

For more information on PROCINORTE, please visit:

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