Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture


IICA and ALADI launch series of conferences to train agricultural SMEs that wish to export

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

This is the second year in which these seminars are being carried out. The goal is to foster the internationalization of companies, a challenge that has become even more relevant within the context of the current pandemic.


Montevideo, 29 May 2020 (IICA). The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI) have launched a new series of conferences to provide small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the agriculture sector with training, following the success achieved in 2019.

The first webinar (The ABCs for Exporters), which was delivered by Daniel Rodríguez, Manager of IICA’s International Trade and Regional Integration Program, focused on the necessary steps to successfully export a product: defining the business, identifying capabilities, selecting and becoming familiar with the target market, developing the business strategy, negotiating with the client and, lastly, initiating the business relationship.

A total of 150 people from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Belgium, Colombia, Chile, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Panama, Peru, Spain, Switzerland, Venezuela and Uruguay tuned into the online lecture.

“Within the current context of the pandemic, in which distance training plays a key role in accessing information, we are pleased to begin a second year of videoconferences with ALADI, thereby reinforcing our commitment to supporting the agriculture sector in the face of new challenges”, stated Alejandra Sarquis, IICA Representative in Uruguay.

The series consists of a number of webinars on topics of interest to SMEs. The next webinar will be held on 25 June, and will focus on topics related to market access conditions and ALADI’s Information System for Foreign Trade (SICOEX).


More information:

Alejandra Sarquis, IICA Representative in Uruguay




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