Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

IICA’s commitment to agriculture in Haiti will remain unchanged

Tiempo de lectura: 3 mins.

The Director of Management and Regional Integration, Diego Montenegro, is meeting with partners and national counterparts as the Institute’s delegation in Haiti prepares for a change of Representative.

Alfredo Mena (center) in the ceremony.

Haiti. The Director of Management and Regional Integration of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), Diego Montenegro, and the organization’s Representative in Haiti, Alfredo Mena, held a series of meetings with senior government and cooperation agency officials in that country to share information about Haiti and the upcoming meeting of the Inter-American Board of Agriculture, due to be held in Cancun, Mexico, from October 19-23.

One of the most important meetings that took place was with Haiti’s Minister of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development, Lyonel Valbrun, who convened a meeting of all the ministry’s staff in order to present Alfredo Mena with a gift in recognition of his long years of work in Haiti, the last 21 of them as the Institute’s Representative.

At an emotional ceremony, the minister underscored Mena’s professional commitment and sense of mission. Mena thanked the minister for the gift, stressing that he was accepting it on behalf of IICA’s team in the country, as well as other colleagues at Headquarters and all the other delegations that had supported Haiti.

IICA’s commitment to agriculture and rural development will continue unchanged, with the same dedication and professionalism demonstrated during Mena’s time as Representative.

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