Los ministros que integran el Consejo Agropecuario del Sur (CAS) expresaron su solidaridad con el pueblo de Brasil por las pérdidas humanas y las consecuencias devastadoras para la población de las inundaciones que están azotando al sur de ese país.

Buenos Aires, May 8, 2024 (IICA). The ministers who make up the Southern Agricultural Council (CAS) have expressed their solidarity with the people of Brazil for the loss of life and devastating consequences for the population of the floods ravaging the south of that country.
The message of solidarity was signed by Argentina’s Secretary for the Bioeconomy and President pro tempore of the CAS, Fernando Vilella; the Minister of Rural Development and Land of Bolivia, Santos Condorí; the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil, Carlos Henrique Baqueta Fávaro; the Minister of Agriculture of Chile, Esteban Valenzuela; the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of Paraguay, Carlos Giménez; and the Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries of Uruguay, Fernando Mattos.
The CAS is a ministerial forum for consultation and the coordination of regional actions, composed of the ministers of agriculture of the six aforementioned countries, whose technical secretariat is operated by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA).
In their statement, the ministers pledged to provide all necessary support to the Brazilian authorities to assist with the response to the emergency and subsequent recovery actions.
They also stressed the importance of regional cooperation and the coordination of efforts, to guarantee a timely, effective response. They also emphasized the need to strengthen solidarity between countries in times of crisis and to work together to tackle the challenges facing the region.
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Institutional Communication Division.