The highest-level ministerial forum on agriculture will be held on the Mexican Riviera Maya in October of this year.

San Jose, April 21, 2015 (IICA). By formulating proposals to strengthen technical cooperation and improve responses to requests for support from member countries, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) is fleshing out the details for the meeting of the Inter-American Board of Agriculture (IABA), which will take place this coming October in Mexico.
The proposals for strengthening the Institute will be discussed by the IABA, which is made up of delegates from 34 countries, and which will be held within the framework of the Meeting of Ministers of Agriculture of the Americas, from October 19 to October 23.
The meeting will be held at Riviera Maya, in Cancun. It is being organized by IICA and the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) of Mexico.
Discussions on the preliminary proposals began at the April 16 videoconference of the Special Advisory Commission on Management Issues (SACMI), which includes delegates from nine member countries.
Víctor M. Villalobos, Director General of the Institute, stated that the results of that meeting would be presented to the Executive Committee next July, in order to generate concrete recommendations on IICA’s financial standing for presentation to the IABA.
The main purpose of the SACMI, an advisory group to the Director General, is to provide recommendations for improving the Institute’s performance. Created by the IABA in 1999, it meets at least once a year.
Following a resolution by the IABA in 2013, which met during the ministerial meeting in Campana, in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, the SACMI meeting of 2015 was responsible for formulating proposals for the recovery of IICA’s financial capacity.
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