A group of 16 persons representing farm owners, managers, the University of Belize, the Ministry of Economic Development and IICA, travelled to Costa Rica for an exchange visit experience. The action expose select farmers to local and foreign experiences in banana production under integrated soil management approaches, particularly as it relates to low cost, low inorganic input models. It allowed farmers, to focus time and attention on a topic, learning by doing, sharing ideas, and evaluate the relevance of new approaches. It enabled farmers and technicians to network and share experiences with their peers from other jurisdictions on the best practices, management of their farms and methods used to ensure and maintain high yields. Farmers had a first-hand experience visiting farms with advanced producing techniques in banana culture in Costa Rica and benefit by planning for future use the practices they observe. During the one week exchange, the group had the opportunity to visit AGRIBIO (micro propagation laboratory), the National Corporation of Banana Producers (CORBANA), IICA Headquarters, Finca Esmeralda (Fyffes) and Earth University.
The overall farmer exchange visit was a success. Farm owners, managers, technicians of the Banana Growers Association, were impressed of the different activities carried out that lead to overall productivity in the Costa Rican Banana Industry. The participants take home knowledge and best practices learnt throughout the week’s exchange visit. Important contact information and linkages were done that will contribute to the sustainability of the Belize Banana Industry.
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