The initiative is being promoted by IICA, the European Union, the private sector in Haiti and the Ministry of Agriculture.

Port-au-Prince, Haiti, September 23, 2011 (IICA). The export of Francique mango in Haiti has brought in US$10.6 million annually and has generated sustainable, long-term employment in rural and urban areas.
The IICA Office in Haiti is supporting the mango production chain thanks to a project funded by the European Union and implemented and coordinated with the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development (MARNDR), as well as the private sector, including producers’ associations.
The initiative is focused on improving the living conditions of the communities of the Central Plateau in Haiti. Its objective is to bring about a sustainable increase in the income of the farmers, by strengthening the technical capabilities of the producer organizations, so that they can expand their farms and increase their production and promotion of the Madame Francisque mango, which is a very attractive option for both the export and local markets.
To achieve this goal, three components have been attached to the project: strengthening of the organizational capacities of the producer organizations, improvement in fruit production and assistance in the processing and marketing of mango.
Among the results achieved to date, the project has benefitted more than 10,000 small farmers from 67 community organizations participating in the industry. It has also trained 89 community leaders in grafting and planting techniques, and has established two demonstration plots and a total of 106 mini-gardens (single crops) on the farms of small producers.
Additionally, thirty (30) community nurseries have been established with the capacity to produce 200,000 mango plants and, at the request of the communities involved, the project is currently renovating three processing and production centers and another seven are being assessed.
Under the initiative, four thematic studies have also been developed that will provide new information for discussion on the future development of the industry.
Funding for the project, which is expected to last 30 months, amounts to US$2 million.
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