A video shows the inspiring results of the EEP program, executed by IICA in the Andean countries using Finnish resources.

Lima, July 10, 2015 (IICA). Energy is everywhere, but the most valuable energy is found in nature and in people’s creativity to use it for their benefit. This is evidenced by initiatives that promote the use of technologies based on renewable energies that benefit rural populations, such as the ones supported by the Energy and Environment Partnership with the Andean Region (EEP), a program executed by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), with the financial support of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.
Based on the results achieved by projects co-funded by EEP to promote energy efficiency in production processes, the program presents “Energy Solutions to Improve Production,” a video that showcases different experiences with accessing and using sustainable energy to improve living conditions in the most remote areas of Bolivia, Colombia and Peru.
Used for spinning alpaca fiber, running ecotourism accommodation, improving cacao post-harvest, pasteurizing milk, providing electricity for small businesses, and improving panela furnaces, clean energy has a wide range of uses. These activities provide valuable evidence that can inspire a growing number of communities, producer associations and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to achieve benefits such as increasing jobs and income and reducing negative impacts on the environment.
To date, the Energy and Environment Partnership with the Andean Region has benefitted over 9,000 inhabitants in 133 rural communities through the implementation of 12 technologies based on renewable energies, thereby creating or improving productive development opportunities in the region.
More information:
Energy and Environment Partnership with the Andean Region