Ir Arriba


  • IICA recognizes the work of the Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development of Mexico, Víctor Villalobos, and highlights the country’s key contribution to global food security

    Around 5.4 million people are employed in Mexico’s agricultural sector and 145 million hectares are dedicated to agriculture and livestock.
  • From right to left: Manuel Otero, IICA Director General. Daniel Werner, Director of the Department of Foreign Relations and International Cooperation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Israel. Kleber Santos, President of the Confederation of Agricultural Engineers of Brazil. Octavio Pérez, APIA President. Mario Lubetkin, Deputy Director General and Regional Representative of the FAO for Latin America and the Caribbean.

    Science and innovation are pillars for transforming agriculture and resolving the crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean, stated specialists at a regional conference of agricultural engineers

    The event was part of the 2023 APIA Conference Series and was organized together with the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA). This online conference was followed by over one hundred agricultural engineers and other professionals from 23 countries in the region.
  • With its new State Agri-food Policy, Panama seeks to transform its economy to incorporate food production as a driving force for growth and development and to safeguard its future, Minister Salcedo claims

    These were the words of Carlos Augusto Salcedo, the Minister Counselor for Agricultural Affairs of the President’s Office of Panama, who gave an interview on the Agro América program broadcast by the Brazilian TV channel AgroMais.
  • The platform is an online support system for climate-resilient decision making for projects carried out in Caribbean countries.

    Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) launches virtual platform on climate adaptation and risks with support from IICA

    The platform is an online support system for climate-resilient decision making for projects carried out in Caribbean countries.
  • The STDF and IICA launch project to promote reduced pesticide residue in agricultural exports from 12 Latin American and Caribbean countries, and to facilitate international trade

    The three-year project will be financed by the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) and implemented by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA).
  • Litoral Agrobiotechnology Institute (IAL) in Argentina is strengthening ties with IICA to train top-flight professionals to develop knowledge intensive agriculture

    The IAL is headed by eminent scientist Raquel Chan, who met with the Director General of IICA in the city of Santa Fe, Argentina. Manuel Otero also met with Federico Trucco, CEO of Bioceres, the company that worked with the IAL to develop HB4 soybean and wheat, which are characterized by their ability to withstand drought conditions.