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  • IICA’s Readiness Recuperación Verde Post COVID-19 project gets under way in Mexico, with the goal of better adapting agriculture to the effects of the health crisis and climate change

    Mexican producers and institutions took part in a workshop where they identified strategies for improving agri-food systems underpinned by the Green Recovery concept.
  • IICA launches Living Soils of the Americas and Integrated Watershed Management Program in Mexico

    Working with public and private institutions, the first stage of the program will be implemented in the states of Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Guanajuato, Chiapas, and Tamaulipas.
  • “Leader of Rurality” Mexican agronomist to promote projects for small-scale rural farmers together with IICA

    Mexican agronomist Gabriela Lucas will work together with IICA through the Center for Innovation on Small-Scale Sustainable Agriculture (CIASPE), which she founded. Joint work will be geared towards assisting small-scale producers who require projects and best practices to improve soils and boost the food security and income of their communities.
  • Livestock production in Mexico holds great potential to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation

    The Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development of Mexico (SADER) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) are coordinating a Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action to transition towards sustainable extensive cattle farming.
  • Revamping agrifood systems: the key to developing the agriculture sector

    Casio Luiselli, university researcher and member of IICA’s Advisory Council for Food Security in the Americas, insists that the current health crisis poses new challenges for rural areas and their systems of political and economic organization – challenges that necessitate the renewal of agrifood systems.
  • Specialists propose participatory review of the Latin American and Caribbean territorial development model

    The occasion was the VI Conference and XIII Territorial Development Forum, organized by IICA, in collaboration with the Territorial Management Networks (GTD) of Mexico, Colombia, Brazil and Spain.