Ir Arriba


  • 100 postgraduate scholarships for professionals in the agriculture sector

    An agreement between IICA and CONACYT in Mexico has been signed for the award of 100 scholarships annually for masters and doctoral studies in that country.

  • PROCINORTE will train scientists and regulators from Mexico, Canada and the US on molecular techniques to diagnose influenza viruses on animals

    The workshop is being organized by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), focal point of the Animal Health Task Force in that country, and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA).

  • IICA and CONACYT establish a program of 100 scholarships for postgraduate studies in Mexico

    Each year, professionals from the agricultural sector in the Americas will be able to do specializations at institutions within the National Science and Technology System of Mexico.

  • Countries join climate change adaptation network

    Creation of a research network, being coordinated by IICA in Central America, the Dominican Republic, Mexico and Colombia, to develop a strategy that will enable agriculture to adapt to climatic variability.

  • IICA, USDA and Postgraduate College of Mexico collaborate to improve post-harvest capacities in Haiti

    Joint action carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture of Haiti.

  • IICA and CINVESTAV sign agreement to promote scientific research

    The Directors General of both organizations signed a framework agreement on the creation of a strategic partnership that will be mutually beneficial, calling for the implementation of joint actions related to science, technology and human resource development.