Ir Arriba


  • Director General of IICA: “Agriculture could be the key to development in the Americas”

    In an address to the Mexican Senate, the Director General of IICA stated that the agricultural sectors of the hemisphere can turn the challenges posed by population growth and climate change into opportunities.

  • Scientific and technical network will work on the adaptation of agriculture to climate change

    Mexico, Central America and Colombia will be taking part in an IICA initiative designed to increase the institutional capabilities for managing the impact of climate change in the region.

  • IICA explores possible partnership with prestigious research center in Mexico

    The partnership would make new responses to the challenges posed by climate change available to the countries of Americas.

  • Experts from the Americas meet to promote the development of organic agriculture

    The second annual meeting of Inter-American Commission for Organic Agriculture will be held in Mexico, attended by 18 delegations who will analyze the development of organic agriculture in the region.

  • Mexico, Panama and Chile to install food handling and processing center

    Agreement calls for studies on possibility of installing center in reverted areas of Panama Canal. Technical coordination of studies to be provided by IICA