Ir Arriba


  • The water footprint: an important calculation with major implications for agriculture

    In a technical forum held at IICA, specialists from Latin America and Spain explained how this indicator could lead to water being used more efficiently in agriculture.

  • United States and Mexico Support Haiti’s Efforts to Develop its Fruit Industry

    Scientists carry out field assessment of the needs to improve mango fruit production and post harvest to support exporters in Haiti

  • Experts discuss rules relating to the presence of living modified organisms in seeds

    IICA organized a workshop for experts in the field from Latin America to identify common areas of interest.

  • Reactivation of agroindustries can trigger area-based development

    An IICA project developed a methodology for promoting area-based development that involves using the chains approach to boost agroindustries and empowering the rural population.

  • Cryoconservation, a modern response to the challenges of long-term plant conservation

    This scientific technique has a strategic role to play in conserving tropical genetic resources in developing countries.

  • Family agriculture has a key role to play in ensuring food security in Latin America and the Caribbean

    As part of the activities of the Meeting of Ministers of Agriculture of the Americas 2013, being held in Buenos Aires, the three agencies presented their annual report on agriculture in the region.