Ir Arriba


  • IICA and FONTAGRO evaluate the impact of research in Latin America and the Caribbean

    This evaluation will document the economic, social, environmental and institutional benefits that innovation generates in projects aimed at small farmers.

  • PROCINORTE will train scientists and regulators from Mexico, Canada and the US on molecular techniques to diagnose influenza viruses on animals

    The workshop is being organized by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), focal point of the Animal Health Task Force in that country, and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA).

  • IICA delivers message from ministers of agriculture to preparatory meeting for the next Summit of the Americas

    The Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG) is meeting in the U.S. capital.

  • IICA: European crisis to have greater effect on net food importing countries in the Americas

    An economic crisis in Europe and the United States would push international food prices down in the short term, but they would continue to be high in the medium and long terms due to factors such as low interest rates, variations in exchange rates and uncertainty in the markets.

  • OAS honors William Berenson with Leo Rowe Award

    The Secretary General bestowed the award upon him in recognition of his many significant achievements throughout his long career within the Inter-American system.

  • New U.S. food safety law poses serious challenges for national systems

    Participants in IICA forum conclude that countries must modernize their food safety systems to continue exports to the United States.