Ir Arriba


  • Electronic consultation to help set agenda for innovation in family agriculture

    The findings will be presented at the Second Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development, to be held in October.

  • IICA and CAF join forces to improve agriculture in the region

    Increasing agricultural productivity and achieving a high quality of life in rural areas are the main objectives of an agreement signed between IICA and one of the main financial institutions in the Americas.

  • CARIFORUM countries review international standards for plant health and agricultural trade

    The workshop was supported by the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) Project, being implemented by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA).

  • Proposals from 17 countries submitted in response to call from regional platform for innovation in agriculture

    Nations from Latin America and the Caribbean submitted nearly 100 proposals to the Marketplace platform, calling for innovation in areas such as productivity, natural resource management, institutional modernization and poverty alleviation.

  • Bioeconomy, a new paradigm for sustainable development?

    A consortium of researchers will launch an e-consultation on the formulation of policy recommendations aimed at promoting bioeconomy development in Latin America and the Caribbean.

  • Caribbean countries analyze the benefits of climate-smart agriculture

    A forum supported by IICA allowed specialists in climate change and natural resource management to share their experiences and knowledge of this topic.