Ir Arriba


  • IICA, USDA and Postgraduate College of Mexico collaborate to improve post-harvest capacities in Haiti

    Joint action carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture of Haiti.

  • IICA Highlights 2010-2014 Strategy for the Caribbean Region at OAS

    The strategy seeks to improve sanitary conditions for plants and animals; to increase agriculture production; to promote agribusiness and agricultural tourism and to address climate change.

  • IICA Updates U.S. State Department of Activities in Haiti

    “Throughout 2010, IICA acted as a bridge for horizontal cooperation in efforts to begin rebuilding Haiti’s agriculture sector and improving food security.”– Victor M. Villalobos, IICA Director General.

  • USDA to donate US$8.5 million worth of agricultural inputs to IICA cooperation projects in Haiti

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced it will distribute agricultural goods in Haiti among projects supervised by IICA, and acknowledged the Institute’s assistance work in Nicaragua and Honduras.

  • IICA and FDA to teach exporters in Latin America and the Caribbean the ins and outs of the new U.S. food safety law

    IICA’s experience in the fields of institution and capacity building will prove invaluable in helping producers and foreign trade officials to understand the new legislation.

  • Director General of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) Raises Institutional Profile in Washington, DC

    Villalobos met with officials of strategic partners and US government agencies.