Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture



IICA, Bayer, Microsoft, GSMA, the Barbados Prime Minister and the Honduran Secretary of Agriculture will launch a study on rural connectivity, focusing on the role of women and youth in digital technology adoption in family farming.

The report presents the results of thirty-one interviews conducted in fourteen countries of the region and provides recommendations on the development of policies for the public and private sectors to foster the incorporation of digital technologies in family farming.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

Capa 1º Fórum LATAM de Jovens Rurais

September 17, 2024

Primeira coordenadora nacional de juventude rural representa o Brasil no Fórum de Jovens Rurais da América Latina realizado pelo IICA no Chile

Brasília 17/09/2024 - Os novos desafios dos jovens do campo no século XXI estão cada vez mais complexos em um cenário que busca conciliar o desenvolvimento agropecuário, a segurança alimentar, as preocupações ambientais e a transição energética. Para contribuir na formação de novas lideranças, jovens do Chile, Argentina, Brasil, El Salvador, México, Honduras, Paraguai e Uruguai participaram, na última semana, do I Fórum de Jovens Rurais da América Latina - Liderança, Inovação e Sustentabilidade, realizado pelo Instituto Interamericano de Cooperação para a Agricultura (IICA) Chile, na sede da CEPAL, em Santiago.  

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


World Food Programme (WFP) and IICA to develop joint actions in Haiti, Central America, and the Caribbean, prioritizing collaboration in the area of school meals

This was agreed upon in Rome by WFP Deputy Executive Director, Valerie Guarnieri, and IICA Director General, Manuel Otero.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


In Rome, Directors General of FAO and IICA agree to increase joint cooperation, with a focus on the Caribbean and the Central American Dry Corridor

At the meeting, Qu Dongyu, accompanied by FAO Chief Economist Máximo Torero and senior members of his team, and Otero, with his special advisors Jorge Werthein and Carlos Cherniak, reviewed IICA and FAO’s joint cooperation actions, which include the preparation of a report on the outlook for agricultural and rural development in Latin America and the Caribbean, and support for CELAC’s food security plan.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Heads of IFAD and IICA discuss with Latin American and Caribbean ambassadors in Rome agenda for boosting impact of joint efforts and strengthening resilience of rural communities

IFAD President Alvaro Lario and IICA Director General Manuel Otero reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening rural communities in Latin America and the Caribbean. They ratified their commitment in Rome, during a roundtable with ambassadors from the LAC region.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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Rural women entrepreneurs from the Andean, Central and North America regions receive training at IICA to achieve business autonomy and reduce technological gaps

The objective of the training was to equip the participants with the knowledge they require to manage the financial aspects of their businesses and incorporate technologies into their production processes. The aim was also to facilitate the development of skills that will enable them to improve the marketing of their products through the use of technological tools.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


With support from the United States Department of Agriculture and IICA, Caribbean countries strengthen their prevention and control of African Swine Fever, which threatens the region’s food security

During an intensive program of work, IICA and USDA experts collaborated closely with the Official Veterinary Service of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security of Barbados, and developed strategies and field activities aimed at preventing this viral disease in the country and the Caribbean region.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Bolivia strengthens the resilience of high Andean wetlands with the “Bofedal es Vida” program

The initiative promotes sustainable practices to preserve vulnerable ecosystems and enhance the resilience of high Andean communities and camelid livestock in the face of climate change

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


With IICA’s support, FORAGRO renews and strengthens its commitment to science, technology and agricultural innovation in the Americas

At a strategic virtual assembly of the Forum of the Americas for Agricultural Research and Technological Development, the Institute launched a comprehensive proposal with three priorities for strengthening the program.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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