Ir Arriba


  • IICA presents opportunities to the private sector for investing in the agricultural sector of the Americas

    At a meeting with the Global Harvest Initiative, the Director-General of IICA promoted the benefits of assigning more resources to innovation and productivity in the region.

  • Christiana Figueres: “IICA offers an inspiring model for the adaptation of agriculture to climate change”

    In the run up to the COP 19, due to take place in November, the Executive Secretary of the United Nations agency specializing in climate change acknowledged the support that IICA provides to its member countries in adapting to the phenomenon and achieving food safety.

  • Importers to be required to certify the safety of foodstuffs entering the United States

    With support from IICA, the FDA revealed for the US’s trading partners in Latin America and the Caribbean two sets of regulations that would change the process involved in exporting food to that country.

  • IICA to support transfer of Mexico’s agricultural experience to the Caribbean

    Some 140 Caribbean farmers and officials will receive training in Mexico on protected crops, small ruminants, agrotourism, technological innovation, horticulture and water management.

  • Partnership to boost food security knowledge in LAC

    IICA, FAO and the Association of Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean are to design a master’s program in food security, with the support of the European Union.

  • Latin America and the Caribbean establish regional positions for next meetings of Codex Alimentarius

    Countries aim to play a more active part in the approval of international standards on agricultural health and food safety.