Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture



Science and innovation are crucial to the future of agrifood systems in the Americas, state high-level experts in new episode of IICA en Acción

The most recent episode of the segment dedicated to the Living Soils of the Americas initiative features experts and officials from various countries in the Americas, who participated in an event organized by IICA, CGIAR and the World Bank.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Countries in the Americas make headway with the implementation of electronic veterinary certification to expedite trade in animal-based products

Officers from 30 countries recognized the urgent need for a standardized protocol for the issuance and exchange of certificates, which would make it possible to eliminate trade barriers, lower costs, increase traceability, and better comply with veterinary public health requirements.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


The FDA and IICA launch web platform to enhance farmers’ knowledge of the safety rule governing the exportation of fresh agricultural produce to the United States

Growing Safe Produce is a digital tool that utilizes videos, interactive web applications, as well as   downloadable and printable resources, presented in simple, straightforward language, to explain how to fulfill the requirements of the rule.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Eroded soils can regenerate and become fertile land for agriculture, state members of Pampeanas Regenerativas Orientales in new episode of the IICA en Acción podcast

Pampeanas Regenerativas Orientales is a women’s group from Uruguay that implements regenerative agriculture practices with a focus on soil health and the capacity to produce healthy food.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


The ministers of Agriculture of the Americas agreed, on closing the IICA Executive Committee meeting, that overcoming the food and climate crisis will hinge on effective collective action

The ministers all highlighted IICA’s actions to build bridges between countries and regions and between these areas and the private sector, academia and civil society organizations. They also felt that in this time of increased food insecurity and a growing climate crisis, it is essential that the Institute expand its efforts to disseminate best practices and experiences that will facilitate the creation of a knowledge intensive agriculture sector that also serves a social purpose.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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Alongside Ministers of Agriculture of the Caribbean, IICA reports on its work to strengthen food security and agricultural resilience in the region

At IICA Headquarters in San Jose, Manuel Otero, Director General of the Institute, and other officials of the hemispheric agency specializing in agricultural and rural development indicated that Caribbean countries are working to overcome multiple production challenges in the region. They emphasized the Institute’s commitment to assisting countries in implementing the best scientific and technological tools to reduce food insecurity and mitigate the climate crisis.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


Caribbean Ministers of Agriculture gather in Costa Rica to discuss how to reduce food insecurity and build bridges with Latin America

The meeting of Caribbean ministers will be held prior to the Forty-third Regular Meeting of IICA’s Executive Committee, which will be held on July 19 and 20 in San Jose, Costa Rica.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins


AgroAmerica: International animal health specialist, Patrick Buholzer, stresses that to ensure food security countries will need to adopt a new approach to foot and mouth disease

During an interview on the Agro America program, aired on Brazil’s TV Agro channel, Patrick Buholzer, Executive Director of the TAFS Forum, discussed the need for a new approach to the viral disease. He also called for a shared global understanding of the problem.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

Paola Quesada, an intern at IICA’s FabLab, discussed the digital laboratory’s initiatives with Manuel Otero, Director General of the Institute; Sérvulo Matías Baeza, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Belize; and Óscar Enrique Guardado Calderón, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of El Salvador.

El Salvador and Belize will strengthen joint work with IICA to increase food security and foster the technical training of youth in agriculture

Paola Quesada, an intern at IICA’s FabLab, discussed the digital laboratory’s initiatives with Manuel Otero, Director General of the Institute; Sérvulo Matías Baeza, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Belize; and Óscar Enrique Guardado Calderón, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of El Salvador.

Tiempo de lectura: 3mins

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