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Specialty Coffee Central American Integration System - SICA / Café de Especialidad de la región Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana - SICA

Event Date


Immerse yourself in a journey where we will explore the fascinating world of specialty coffee from the SICA Region. We will discover the secrets behind these exquisite varieties of coffee, learning about their origins, flavors and unique production processes. This webinar will also be an educational space where you will be able to delve into the art of preparing an exceptional cup of coffee from the comfort of your home.
Sumérgete en un viaje donde exploraremos el fascinante mundo del café de especialidad de la Región SICA. Descubrimos los secretos detrás de estas exquisitas variedades de café, aprendiendo sobre sus orígenes, sabores y procesos de producción únicos. Este webinar también será un espacio educativo donde podrás adentrarte en el arte de preparar una taza de café excepcional desde la comodidad de tu hogar.






11h00 – 11h08



Opening Remarks

Jean-Charles Le Vallée

Country Representative of IICA Canada

S.E. Beatriz Valle Marichal

President pro tempore of the Central American Integration System (SICA)

Ambassador of Honduras in Canada


11h08 – 11h13



“Specialty coffee in Costa Rica"


Francisco Andrés Piedra Fallas

Promotion and Dissemination Manager of the Costa Rican Coffee Institute

Jorge David Ortiz Naranjo

Promotion and Dissemination Assistant Manager of the Costa Rican Coffee Institute

11h13 – 11h18

“Specialty coffee in Costa Rica -gender perspective"


Marcela Porras

Roble Sabana Coffee

11h18 – 11h19

Video Costa Rica

11h19 – 11h29

“Specialty Coffee in El Salvador: emphasis on the Pacamara variety”

Mauricio Sansivirini

President Salvadoran Coffee Institute

11h29- 11h30

Video Salvador


11h30 – 11h40


“Differentiated Coffees from Guatemala

Sergio Mazariegos

Coordinator of the Committee of Differentiated Coffees of the Guatemalan Association of Exporters - AGEXPORT

11h40 -11h41

Video Guatemala


11h41- 11h51

“Sustainable Specialty Coffee Honduras, Café de Mujeres Brisas Joalaca, Corquín Copán”

Rene Madrid

General Manager PROEXO

11h51 – 11h52

Video Honduras

11h52 – 12h-02

“Specialty Coffee Panama: Harvesting Geisha Coffee Cherries”

Maria Ruiz

Specialty Coffee Association of Panama

12h02 – 12h03

Video Panama


12h03- 12h13

“Café Santo Domingo De Origen, A Tribute to The Excellence Of Dominican Coffee Growing”.

Ramón Javier Baez

The Santo Domingo Coffee Institute

12h13 – 12h14

Video Dominican Republic


Q & A

12h20 – 12h30


Closing Remarks

Harold Gamboa

Technical Specialist in the Bioeconomy and Productive Development Program of IICA

Jean-Charles Le Vallée

Country Representative of IICA Canada

Transmissão ao vivo

Explore the world of Specialty Coffee with IICA Canada and Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana - SICA.

Learn more about coffee origins, flavors and unique production methods.

! Sip and savor the experience with our recorded webinar !

