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Rural youths building the new agriculture post COVID-19

Event Date


HEMISPHERIC FORUM: "Rural youths building the new agriculture post COVID-19"

June 12, 9:00 am (Costa Rica time)


Rural youths building the new agriculture post COVID-19
Time Activity Participants
9: 00- 9:05 am Introduction to the forum María José Molina, Costa Rica and Tariq Kelly, Jamaica
9:05 - 9:10 am Welcome words Federico Villarreal, Director of Technical Cooperation of IICA
9:10 - 9:15 am Video Presentation Inauguration of the Director General of IICA and rural youth
9:15 - 9:20 am Explanation of the dynamics of the forum María José Molina, Costa Rica and Tariq Kelly, Jamaica
9:20 - 9:50 am Question session Mr. Johanan Dujon, María Alejandra Pérez Mata, Noelia Kelly, Andrea Lorena Paredes García y Aztatl Ehecatl Anzaldo García
9: 50-10: 10 Answers to questions from the public (through Menti) Participants
10: 10-10: 25 am Specialist intervention on rural youth Ernesto Rodríguez, Director of the Latin American Center on Youth (CELAJU)
10:25 - 10:30 am Closing María José Molina, Costa Rica and Tariq Kelly, Jamaica



Moderators: María José Molina, Costa Rica y Tariq Kelly, Jamaica

The forum will include the participation of:

Johanan Dujon, Caribbean Region

María Alejandra Pérez Mata, Andine Region

Noelia Kelly, South Region

Andrea Lorena Paredes García, Central Region

Andrea Lorena Paredes García, North Region


Not available

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