Ir Arriba


  • Cocoa and coffee chain representatives from eight countries of America trained in the design of agricultural projects with evaluation criteria

    Through the application of methodologies, dialogue and group exercises, participants learned how to design projects that can be evaluated at all stages

  • Peru and Colombia begin preparations to comply with new requirements for exporting food to the U. S.

    More than 50 professionals were trained in complying with FSMA standards, which regulate the export of processed food to the United States. The participants will in turn share their knowledge with other actors in the sector.  

  • Canadians’ love for chocolate could prove useful in supporting agricultural communities in Peru

    The average consumption of cacao in Canada amounts to 6.4 kilos per person each year, making the country as the ninth largest consumer of chocolate in the world.

  • Agriculture of the future will be based on the use of scientifically-based knowledge

    The Director General of IICA highlighted the importance of incorporating knowledge and technology into agricultural production, a key strategy for facing agriculture’s challenges.

  • Differentiated public policies are key to strengthening family farming in Latin America and the Caribbean

    At a forum organized by IICA, specialists agreed on the need to make this social category a priority on public agendas in order to devise a legal framework that will strengthen it.

  • Cocoa value-added processes will generate new business opportunities and greater income for women producers

    An IICA project seeks to ensure the sustainability of cocoa production by promoting value-added products.