Ir Arriba


  • Countries prepare for upcoming Codex Alimentarius standards on food hygiene and animal nutrition

    Delegates from 18 Latin American and Caribbean countries reviewed standards to be approved by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in Geneva in July.

  • Argentina and Chile join forces to build up phytosanitary intelligence in the Southern Region

    With support from IICA, phytosanitary services in both countries are advancing in the development of systems to facilitate decision making based on scientific and technical knowledge.

  • IICA calls for strengthening sanitary controls to prevent the spread of African swine fever

    The Director General of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), Manuel Otero, underscored the need for collaborative work between official and private veterinary services in the organization’s 34 member countries. IICA is currently planning actions aimed at strengthening emergency preparedness and response.

  • Blockchain technology is being explored as a tool to drive agricultural trade in the Caribbean

    This application could enhance the agility, transparency and security of agricultural markets in the region, starting with St. Lucia and Jamaica.

  • Expert networks promoted by IICA will support research and innovation in family farming in the Americas

    IICA has committed to promoting these networks to support the Regional Fund for Agricultural Technology (FONTAGRO), sponsored by the Institute and the IDB.

  • IICA reaffirms commitment to champion safe and secure agrifood production in the Americas

    Manuel Otero, Director General of the specialized agency for agriculture, reiterated this commitment, on the occasion of World Food Safety Day, which is celebrated today.