Ir Arriba


  • A call for gender equality in the field by means of public policies

    Gloria Abraham, IICA’s Representative in Mexico, explained that rural women in Mexico dedicate 65% more time to agricultural work than men.

  • IICA and CENTROGEO report on advances in Geoweb platform

    In a forum organized by IICA, researchers from CENTROGEO, of Mexico, explained how this on-line system will contribute to rural-area based development in Central America. 

  • Investment in agriculture require better liaison between the public and private sectors

    At the World Economic Forum on Latin America, held in Mexico, the Director General of IICA stated that the private sector was a key ally for strengthening agriculture.

  • A river basin in Costa Rica drives the progress of the IICA-EUROCLIMA project

    A cross-sectoral project against land degradation caught the attention of a group of Latin American researchers promoting agriculture’s adaptation to climate change.

  • The Permanent Council of the OAS endorses IICA’s new cooperation model

    The Director General of IICA presented the Institute’s Annual Report in Washington.

  • LAC and African countries coordinate regional positions prior to global Codex Alimentarius meeting

    Latin American, Caribbean, and African countries strive to play a more active role in global discussions on food safety.