IICA launches program to combat coffee leaf rust in Central America and the Dominican Republic
The initiative will be carried out over the next five years and is expected to benefit 330 thousand coffee-growing families.
The water footprint: an important calculation with major implications for agriculture
In a technical forum held at IICA, specialists from Latin America and Spain explained how this indicator could lead to water being used more efficiently in agriculture.
LAC and EU agrifood innovation networks set to receive a boost
The European Commissioner for Agriculture and the Director General of IICA will inaugurate the international seminar of Red INNOVAGRO, due to take place in Spain from April 23-25.
Specialists in innovation lay the groundwork for scientific cooperation in agrifood subjects between the European Union and LAC
IICA and the ceiA3 signed an agreement to produce materials and courses related to innovation management in the agrifood sector.
Main challenges faced by family agriculture in LAC presented in Spain
For the third year running in Spain, IICA, FAO and ECLAC presented a report on the situation and outlook for agriculture and rural development in the Americas.
Reforestation and energy saving stoves are improving living conditions in Haiti
The opening of a tree nursery, the use of more efficient wood burning stoves, the planting of improved varieties and the construction of a poultry farm are some of the actions carried out under this inspiring project.